We won a Landmark Case yesterday in Court, in the 5th Judicial Circuit Court, of the State of Florida.  Dragonfly got her Social Security Benefits retroactive up to 6 months after her initial diagnosis in 2006 and MEDICARE retroactive 6 months from the loss of her insurance. 

I submitted a Letter from Ginny Waite Brown to the CDC,  all Documentation, Deborah Auschullers Collembola study and even Joes research.  THANK YOU JOE KELEHER, BECAUSE JOE DOESN’T WRITE SLOW, HE MAKES SENSE.

It took 4 years of work and the judge rendered the verdict in 8 minutes and 50 seconds.  He said Morgellons three times. People have got to save every medical record and any information calling them delusional, take photographs and save them. The Judge just happened to be here on assignment from Tulsa and her file was 5 inches thick.


Our Attorney knew more about this disease than any attorney and his brief was impeccable, sensible, no conspiracy theories.  HE WAS A SAINT sent from God. After our win I stood in the parking lot and cried for a half an hour and just hugged the Attorney.  It appears he asked to take the case because Dragonfly was a local personality and he had seen her during her well years on TV.  His comment, when I asked him what he thought was, "The way these people have been treated is horrific and it is appalling."

We have a conference with a nationwide law firm next Tuesday and I will be able to ascertain how many other cases they can take on.  Now that we have set a Florida precedence on a non existent (according to many Doctors) disease,  we just trumped the CDC.  We had photos, Raman graphs, disks documenting her progressive deterioration, the Body Bugs Films (thank you Patrick Fraser) and every lab and also doctors notes where she was called DOP.  Dragonfly was exceptional, honest, and exhausted,  a win for one, we hope will be a win for all.



Comments on: "Morgellons Landmark Case Victory" (48)

  1. Trish, you and people like Deborah, and Joe and so many others deserve so much credit. I am so proud of you, let me just say that you are no quitter, and I know you’ve been through living hell. If they’re ever going to pull the plug on me I want you in my corner.

    My favorite comment in your post is this:

    His comment, when I asked him what he thought was, “The way these people have been treated is horrific and it is appalling.”

    That really struck home, my heart breaks for those who are so bad off and who have lost everything, not just monetary, but family, marriages, and this is still going on large scale even to this day.

    God bless you and DragonFly both. And for this attorney (who should probably rename nameless for now lest he be overwhelmed by calls) my hat is off to you sir, honestly.

    • Congrats to Trish Who I love Dearly!!!Rose

    • Would like to network with you all. See my horrible story. The Morgellon’s have have was severly forced on me in Chemical Trails, and I found it all over my house. It is Nano technology (very small) man made deadly robotic organism and mold and DNA altering technology that will kill many..I hope it can be stoped now!! I am dying. I filed 2 lawsuits on my own up to last year with the US Supreme Ct. and they Dismissed them along with my Motion for Reconsideration..See my YouTube Vido of my story and click Subscribe to my Channel for updates if you wish. Please call and network with me, I have valuable info. the nano technogy was created at ASU nano labs..alot of it..they brag of “creating the smart clouds!!!’ Nano microbes can target (the biowarfare) the military uses (they used it in Vietnam) and they have used it on me. They are targeting Animal Rights Activists like me (I was a member of PETA…they have a long history of hating and killing PETA members..they took out full pages adds out of our Tax-paying dollars to destroy PETA headquarters..because PETA members exposed the fact they throug and tested bombs and horrible over chemicals and warfare on homeless animals or any pets they could find! Hope you all subsribe to my chemical trail/morg. story on my Youtube channel and call me anytime (I can’t afford internet at home any more) I am fearful the Military may succeed in killing me soon as I am exposing their horrible Modern Warfare tactis ( I bought and suggest you all do the same–books on modern warfair to get the full horrible Nano technology mini micro organism and killing man made chemicals!!!) …my phone is 480-786-8883

  2. Joe Keleher said:

    I thought my easy day of subbing for the Jr. High Social Studies teacher would make my day…but this did it! The tides are shifting!

    I couldn’t agree more with the need to document everything along the way (with photos, bills, etc…but especially words). This may be useful in many ways.

    Trish, thanks for the compliment. I’m glad I was part of such a landmark case (if only in words). The foundation of the diagnosis of DOP has been permanently cracked!!!

    Dragonfly…it’s time for you to soar! You deserved the help…as all do!!!!!!!

  3. sherry Taylor said:

    A small victory for mankind. Some sanity in a sea of “aggreement” for the wrong thing.
    Can we please have some kind lawyers to take this to the next level?
    Many people have lost everything..particularly their health, due to doctors denial and neglect..in direct contravention of the “do no harm” philosphy, and the hypocratic oath to help people… they are supposed to learn in medical school.
    A lot of harm, loss of life and productivity has happened..for what.. when we said “the emperor has no clothes”..we were ridiculed. Thanks goodness some people in the country still have courage and honesty.
    Thank you so much to them.
    Sincerely, Sherry Taylor

    • Very well said….I believe we need some kind pit bull lawyers for this task.I was thinking now should be the time or when the weather is warmer for us all afflicted with the skin lesions to wipe off our make up and cover ups,and to stand at the White house and have them witness the day of the living dead,maybe then we will get the medical attention we need.either way the job is getting done,bit by bit.

  4. Wonderful work, Trisha, and others!!!!!!! This is absolutely WONDERFUL NEWS! Congratulations, Dragonfly, and thank you for pursuing it for both yourself and others!

  5. Way to go, Trisha!!! I am so glad you are well and were able to help pull this off…I have been praying for you and this situation. Thanks for the post Vicki

  6. Doraisabel said:

    I am so glad that you won your case. I too was very lucky to have a positive decision made on my case. I was able to get benefits retroactive from 2005 when my ordeal began. On my claim it too lists Morgellons as well as depression as my disability. I know exactly how you felt when that judgment was made. I felt so victorious, because I knew that I was not delusional and that what I had was in fact very real. I did not get an attorney though. I do agree that its important to keep all of your medical files and always take photos. I had seen over 23 doctors and none gave me a diagnosis of delusional, but they werent able to give me the right treatment. I was lucky enough to come in contact with Dr. Hildy who has given me my life back and help me with treatment that I responded well too.

    • Dora, not sure if you remember me as “Grady” from LymeBusters but I remember when you went from so sick to symptom free and you coming on and telling everyone, it was then I did consult with Dr. Staninger and learned a ton of good stuff from her, I have often wondered how you were doing. Stick around if you can and help when you feel you can.

  7. Sister to Common Sense said:

    I am so glad you won your case. Would you share the details so that others can be helped.
    Getting a lawfirm to represent all is in order at this time. The attorneys in this case charged nothing until the settlement.
    This firm doesn’t want to do a Class Action but on a case by case basis.
    There are many roads to the truth and one size does not fit all, although I am so glad you are well.
    The raman spectograph in this case confirmed Cellulose.
    Here are the diagnoses she recieved:
    eczema, psoriasis, you are too pretty to have Morgellons, SARS, Community Aquired MRSA, staph from across the room, We have to cancel your appointment, heavy metal toxicity, Fungus, Body Bugs.
    There are much cheaper ways to treat this disease on the records.
    I think we need to work together rather than apart.
    If you recieved SSI and Medicare from this that is wonderful, but why did no one share this with the Morgellons Community.
    This woman who fought for her rights and did it for all, not just herself, I believe that we need a bit of altrusim in this.
    Everyone who has been devistated by this disease should get compensation and help.
    Sister to Common Sense

  8. Doraisabel said:

    If I am not mistaken I believe I did share it on the lymebusters website. As well as with many of my close friends also afflicted with this disease who are also members of many morgellons communities. I stopped posting regularly on these websites because there is too much confusion and I do not want any part of it. I stand behind Dr. Hildy and have a lot of respect for her research but certain people on these websites spend too much time trying to smear her credadibility. I chose to back off because that was just not fair to her. She spend years working on identifying this. When I presented my case I included all her findings related to me that included analysis of specimens done through raman technology as well as a comprehensive toxicological analysis report and of course all of the records from all 23 other doctors. Most of their diagnoses were related to fungal or bacterial infections and the treatment was for such. I dont get medicare because I have insurance thru my husband. The only type of insurance most of the specialized doctors accepted was ppo. I have an HMO, so a lot of the costs were out of pocket. I saw doctors at most of the University Hospitals in my area and this is true for most of them. I do believe that we all need to work together so that everyone can be treated fairly. When you present this type of case one needs to be very careful in the manner in which it is presented and I know that documentation is very important. I keep a paper trail of every emergency room visit, every doctor visit, every lab test and all diagnostics. I dont ever tell them I have morgellons, I only tell them what my complaint is. When I went before the Judge I told her what I had and presented her with all this documentation and she came to her own conclusion.

  9. Mr. Common sense and Trisha. Is it posible to make a link or area on your webs to permanantly post case nombers so others can copy the material needed when going to court. A member of my moms church has Morgellons for two years. He is pennieless with a checker pass and he just found out from me this past month what it is that he has been slowly going down hill with. Those whom have won court cases please help provide case nombers and date??? Thank you. I could use them to help the homeless AZ man. He has a motel room via the church helping him and the clothes on his back. That is all he has. He needs to be on disability. He has Morgellons with fibers and mites and bugs that fly out of his skin.

    In Light Lynn

  10. Sister to Common Sense said:

    Dear Lynn,
    Give me until Wednesday so that I can talk to the lawfirm we will know more on a plan of attack then.
    They are a US lawfirm with offices all over the country.
    Pull Joes info off, the Barbara Minton articles from the website, Deb Auschullers collembola study is very helpful also.
    Pull anything you can off the list and help him pull his Medical Records together.
    I will be in touch after speaking to my Lawfirm.
    Love to You and your friend,
    Sister to Common Sense

    • Trisha, even if you could provide the court docket number(s) and such that others could call the court and pay to have the documents faxed or mailed to them. It’s all public information now. I think it would be very useful if you could provide that.

      I’ve been very busy these past few days and watching the comments, have much to say, will post later, all is good.

    • alley cw said:

      i have photos and video!!!

  11. Thank you very much Sister to Common.

    I will talk to AZ man on Monday or Tuesday. I live in CA. So I am helping him through my mother in Az. I will go to the suggested site.

    He is so greatful after two years of not knowing anything about what he had and no one believing him. And finally getting some info on enviromental products to use to cut down his bug numbers and heal his skin through all the bug attacks.

    I am almost well from my Morgellons by using the 3 points plan from http://www.herbalhealer.com Plus a fallow up of other herbs afterwards. This AZ man wants to get well like me and so eventually I will get him on the 3 points plan and all that follows afterwards.

    In Light Lynn

  12. Sister to Common Sense said:

    Here are the tree numbers, under the heading of Morgellons/Lyme

    National Library of Medicine – Medical Subject Headings
    2009 MeSH
    MeSH Descriptor Data
    Return to Entry Page

    Standard View. Go to Concept View; Go to Expanded Concept View
    MeSH Heading Morgellons Disease
    Tree Number C17.800.518
    Scope Note An unexplained illness which is characterized by skin manifestations including non-healing lesions, itching, and the appearance of fibers. There appears to be a strong association with LYME DISEASE.
    Entry Term Morgellons Syndrome
    Previous Indexing Skin Diseases, Parasitic (2006-2008)
    History Note 2009
    Date of Entry 20080708
    Unique ID D055535

    • Dear Sister to Common Sense

      I was not exspecting this info so quickly. You are so wonderful and this may help this fellow get disability. Also help members of the church whom are helping him with rent to understand why he is to sick to work. That gets their goat that he is not working because they do not believe he is that sick. The guy just found out 2 weeks ago a real name for his condition and someone to talk to about it. Poor guy.

      In Light Lynn

  13. Hi

    Sorry to bother you again. Yesterday I found a page and at the bottom was a list of Drs. across the US that treat Morgellons. I thought I had saved the page, but can not find it. Want to post that part of it at Birdmites for newbys and on facebook for family and friends whom do not believe. I want them to see names of real Drs. whom do treat this dease so they know I am not crazy. Thank you.

    In Light Lynn

  14. Sister to Common Sense said:

    Dear Lynn,
    Give me a couple of days to catch my breath, I am going with Dragonfly to a Doctor for intractiable joint pain.
    I do know that Dr Susan Kolb MD who works with Dr Barry Gould MD in Atlanta treats this.
    Dr Barry Maron MD and Orthopaedic Surgeon in New Mexico treats this.
    I am also looking for MDs and Naturopaths, darkfield Doctors to treat these patients.
    There is a wonderful Doctor in Texas Dr Marley who we are working with who will do telephone consults.
    We are looking for Doctors who do not use conventional drugs in the treatment of this disease.
    Sister to Common Sense

  15. No Problem. I hope you do well and safe journey. Thank you again.

    In Light Lynn

  16. YES!YES!YES! Amile stone,this is the best news I have heard in years,a big Thank you to all involved for this great accomplishment! I am a sixteen year morgellons sufferor.It will explode soon,I feel it,keep on plowing!


  17. Sister to Common Sense said:

    Dawn and Lynn,
    Never ever lose hope, I will email just as soon as possible. Thousands are emailing and it is so ver sad in the way you all have been treated.
    Sister to Common Sense

  18. Doraisabel said:

    Hi Grady, yes of course I wil try to stick around,Just for the record this is a long hill battle and with the right treatment you will find relief. This is such a complicated ailment and in my case it has taken years for me to peel what feels like layers off of my body. The key thing for me was to detox and what has worked for me is the far infrared the heat that it emits makes it possible for me to sweat those layers much quicker, I also try to eat as natural as possible and I stay away from any plastics that are added to our food. I use all of Dr. Hildy’s products such as her baci mi line.

  19. chris hansen said:

    Are there any lawfirms working on a class-action lawsuit concerning Morgellons disease? If so, who are they? If not, is anyone interested in forming a class?

  20. Sister to Common Sense said:

    I have an appointment with the Legal Eagles next week, I am still awaiting some important papers from them.
    The Lawfirm is Crowe and Parody in Mass.
    We do not want to do a class action and want to work on a case by case basis.They do not charge money up front and only if you win.

    Class actions only win monies for the firm, taking it case by case the individuals and families is the best way to go.
    Be patient they are woring on a plan for Morg patients and have offices all over the US.
    So, do not contact them ntil I get the decision and the breif and photos.
    Keep good records and photos on your disease, without this you could get turned down.

    I can not express enough to be your own advocate and keep all documentation and paper work on your illness.
    This is what helped us won the lawsuit.

    Iam going to bed to collapse now and will email any new news it the next few weeks.
    Sister to Common Sense

  21. Knowledge is power. You and Sister are great leaders. Landmark case, darkfield, truth always wins in the end.

  22. Chris and Sister to Common Sense – I was wondering about the class action thing as well. What Sister said is usually correct, a lot of times class action suits win a lot of money for the firm and very small payout for individual members of the class. However, they can be important in setting precedent for future rulings, and in attracting large scale media attention. So I think it could be beneficial if a class action suit was brought at some point, in the sense of helping the ‘greater good’.

    Sister, is this law firm you’re working with only filing cases for SSI disability claims? I’m interested more in suing the CDC/Dept of HHS… I’m glad for those who are getting disability for Morgellons, however, I personally am not eligible because I’m 22 and about to graduate from college, and have not yet held a full time job.

    Hope things are continuing to move forward!

  23. Hi all

    I am trying to help a homeless man. He is in AZ. I am in central CA. Some of the church members at my moms church do not think he is sick. They think he is crazy. A few of those men no longer want to pay for his motel room. He will be out on the streets soon if I don’t find a way to change their minds. I sent links to researchers, Drs., and Nurses, and labs. I have collected posts from others on this subject that I request that people e-mail me about their position in life and ask the church to keep helping Doug.

    I put down. Hi my name is Lynn. I am a 50 year old disabled women. I have had Morgellons less than a year. I believe Doug is sick with Morgellons and needs your help. I gave my Dr. bug samples and he thought I had Scabbies. After 2 treatments he stoped helping me. I had to find out for myself what was wroung. I am almost cured of this dease Morgellons and I have people sending products to Doug to try and help him, but can not help him if he lives in the streets.

    I have 3 others statments sent me like this to forward to the preacher at my moms church. Could anyone add to my list so to show these unbelieving men that we are real people of different ages and differnt areas and in different positions in life.

  24. Hi all

    I am trying to help a homeless man. He is in AZ. I am in central CA. Some of the church members at my moms church do not think he is sick. They think he is crazy. A few of those men no longer want to pay for his motel room. He will be out on the streets soon if I don’t find a way to change their minds. I sent links to researchers, Drs., and Nurses, and labs. I have collected posts from others on this subject that I request that people e-mail me about their position in life and ask the church to keep helping Doug.

    I put down. Hi my name is Lynn. I am a 50 year old disabled women. I have had Morgellons less than a year. I believe Doug is sick with Morgellons and needs your help. I gave my Dr. bug samples and he thought I had Scabbies. After 2 treatments he stoped helping me. I had to find out for myself what was wroung. I am almost cured of this dease Morgellons and I have people sending products to Doug to try and help him, but can not help him if he lives in the streets.

    I have 3 others statments sent me like this to forward to the preacher at my moms church. Could anyone add to my list so to show these unbelieving men that we are real people of different ages and differnt areas and in different positions in life.

    Thank you all very much.
    In Light Lynn

  25. Sister to Common Sense said:

    I am sorry I haven’t been blogging much. We are still waiting on Dragonflys final paper work and things are not moving quickly enough lately. It is is Gods time and I am realizing this more every day.
    Google the Lawfirm Crowe and Parodis in MASS. When you call have all your information in front of you anything, photos, records ect. Ask for Yelinda in the Mass office.
    Keep it simple and let her ask the questions, she can tell you what they will need from you.
    I think they have been slammed and I am still awaiting a conference call from our Attorneys, but I know they are very concerned about this, it is SSDI that is slowing us up with the final paper work.
    I just recommend getting in the system as soon as you can.

  26. c.alley cw specter said:

    I live in Northridge CA. I have photos and documentation of er, doctor, university infectious disease specialists, dermatologists…
    This is real. I am starting the healing process (skin care/nutrition changes/supplements…)and although the past two months have brought me to the most compromised state of physical and emotional health in my entire 48 year old life, my mind is clear that I will recover. My hope/focus is the following; No other person should be treated in the humiliating, dismissive, physically abusive and emotionally damaging ways that I have experienced over the past two to three months since my physically observable and documented symptoms started. Attorneys in CALIFORNIA? If any one has a referral, it would be warmly received. Also, please know that I have photos/video support and that I would be willing to consider being included in any class-action suit that is legitimate and handled by reputable counsel with the utmost integrity.
    Thank you so much. This site has been an invaluable gift to me today.
    c.alley cw s.

    • Torpedolynn said:


      Hi C Alley

      The link above is to a Lawyer who gets you disability on the basis of what a disabled person is. He has helped Morgellons people get their disablilty on that criteria. He travels across the U.S. from what I understand. I hope I have that right. Its been over a year sense I talked to him.

      Could you give me details on your protocal that is getting you well. I am near the finish line but stuck in third gear. Grrr….

      In Light Lynn

      • alley cw said:

        Hello! Wow. I have been symptomatic (chronic/acute/severe/bleck!) for a bit over three months. This seige began with my earnest attempts to clear out clutter, a shed, a garage, etc. I am a long time Northridgian (25 years???! smile).
        So far diagnosed as:

        spider bite
        …”so what else is going on in your life?” (what’s the diagnosis code for that one????

        lupus (test negative)
        rheumatoid arthritis (negative, although my hands have not been the same since the initial “bite /bump /painful hot red rounded lump that presented itself in the nail bed-thumb skin area of my right hand’s thumb…a lot of pressure…i helped it to burst…blood pus.. in retrospect, i know that the small subdermal infectection was denfinetly rounded in shape. Right after it burst, (a friend saw it too) i saw a small black “hair”..that i just could not get out…” my right thumb infection has not really gone away. Instead, I’m hesitant to say, I have observed my thumb and other fingers to (arms/leg/feet/toes and scalp!!!) to become inflamed/swollen/feel bitten.
        F.I.P. Frankly I’m Perplexed !!! Never never never could I have imagined that i would come to this kind of culturally stigmitizied, medically blinded “pause button” on my life’s path. Honestly, i am struggling with the intermittent feelings of isolation. i start anew aftre each ‘cycle’ n draing symptoms abade…mustering stamina, and positive intentions ; living my life’s purpose each day…and also trying to figure out the origin(clues….source evidence…it is unfathomable fo me!!!) Can someone refer me to md in or near northridge who will not dismiss my symptoms (observablr), nor write me of by pattin me on the hand, slipping me a sample of cream, and concluding the office visit w “poor stressed mid. classisg educated ‘burb momma “smile(cant wait to read what each doc, etc. actually wrote in my cart!)
        any ideas? im no a web reacher-outer…
        i’m in no need to be in lime light….enlihgten me….help…..thank you……
        alley of physically, emotionally, socially, and spiritually candor, humor, respect, and

        • Torpedolynn said:

          Hi Alley

          Did you have Chronic fatigue for any length of time before you got bitten? Alot of people will have CFS before they are bitten before any bug. I did before bitten by spiders first then all other bugs and a couple years later the no seem ums.

          In Light Lynn

          • alley cw says: said:

            Hi! Thank you for asking. As i reflect, and piece together the past couple of years…although depression has been in the mix; cfs had not been an official diagnosis …yet…what i had been attributing to men-0-pause! weariness/day sleepiness, night awake…(nope. no bi-polar dsm…), i am increasingly deducing has been related to this tick/spider/arthopod/sand fly/mite…decompensation. i am in the thick of it….sleeping on air mattress…fam in upheaval…my eyesight seems to have wekened (contacts…ofen feel flakey-full…even just after cleaning and replens drops…)its curious…i read some of mr. c. sense over a mo ago…and (i am a tad reticent to share…i actually purchased a microscope…) i can identify sevral arhopods/etc. its finding an md. who will actually look at my skin…actually touch this round’s life cycle pustule , and…timing is critical; releases some undeterminate organism …that has been literally/fifuratively sucking the once effervesscant , life loving, verve; my true nature….
            i hope you are feeling well as you read this…i apologize for all my blah blah blah…i have tried to dog this down…almost completly alone. i think that i am getting closer…if for no other resson, but to lend my one sane! voice to join with you—-and each plus every one who has sufferred the dissmissive, humiliating, painful, protracted sufferring, quality of life diminished, earnings lost, relationships strained… i will put my pause button on for now. sorry (blush) i do have photos, video, and dr. s records…(even an infectious disease doc. at usc…wouldnt even look at my skin…and i swear to y’all i had no saran wrap; no taped specks…just my laptop set to “play” an invaluably timed moment when my 19 year old was home from college…and the thumb errupted once more…although the vid is a bit shaky…it is clear enough to detect an organism …exiting my skin!!!…
            …i read a bit earlier today about the cde releasing news re:lyme on the rise…..i’ve not read in dept…
            this is somewhat disjointed…im exhausted…

            …and so…how was your day? I am sustaining the hopefulness and once more breathing deep…noticing all the amazing, positive aspects of each new day…to trust; to listen and support others…to perservere; to speak to something that is indeed, very….very real.;to trust that i do not have to do this alone… phew! ; to do my part in this; what ever that reveals itself to be…

            …and i know…i know! that NO One …NO HUMAN BEING will ever have to endure what you, and too many other rational, real, misdiagnosed (to points far exceeding reasonable time lines to begin appropriate, treatment regimens…thwarting onset of successive stages , each, increasing in physiological/emotional severity… )
            i will shut up now. Please be well…may the day find you smiling as positive, sweet, comedic, memorable moments are ‘real’ized…
            okokokok…..done……ps…. experiences w the cdc? involve them…or??????
            w respect and appreciation…

        • just wanted to let you know Risperidal worked for me for the creepy-crawlies, and the only relief i got from the sores is no soap or make up, no nothing on my skin. the resperidal is an anti-psychotic but does infact work for me. hope this helps.

  27. Torpedolynn said:

    Hi Alley

    Oh I hate when the no see ums get involved in the eyes or hidden lower body parts. Its un-nerving enough to have them on all other body parts let alone any areas that cause big problems. I too had contributed symptoms to menopause and I am bi-polor but thought it was way out of whack due to the menopause.

    If you ever need any solutions you might want to try out to keep bugs at bay I am getting fairly good at that. I do not attract as many varity as before so I must have kicked some parts of this mess. When I slack off on enviroment and body routines then one type of bug will hit me again. Actually the original bug that first envaded all over, but not the first bug to attack. Durring the chronic fatigue stage I knew a gal who a year after me went through a stage of attracking spiders. Mine was wolfe spiders. Was getting bitten often for a few months and slacked off then the fleas and Nats started to hit me, but not living on me.

    Hope you try some protocal that helps get you out of this mess. I know of a hand full that have done that and are still well.
    In Light Lynn

    • Hi!
      Can you contact me..I would like some of your information for my case…see my YouTube vidio of my story under my name and click “subscribe” if you would like. My story is too long to post now..I am seeking more information and an attorney. The Morgellon’s I have was purposely put their by the Military..I watched them and took pictures and vidio and have it all over my house..it is killing me and my pets…my house is contaminated…..see YouTube: Kris Durschmidt: Are you being sprayed to death in Epidemic Proportions??….thanks call anytime: 480-786-8883

  28. julie kurtzman bott said:

    I live in southeastern Ohio and am looking for an attorney to handle a lawsuit against several Drs. and hospitals with what I went through with Morgellons. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you, Julie

  29. I contracted this disease when I was in the process of restoring old silver coins that had been buried for 30+ years. the coins were covered with an organism that displayed both protozoic and plant-like properties. What appeared to be gel sacs and thin fibers covered the coins and when I subjected them to stress ( various agents to clean) they would photosynthesize. Unfortunately the same day and just prior to the coins being unearthed I had my ears pierced for the first time. So I spent the next 2 months 24/7 handling 1200 lbs of silver that was also stored in my bedroom and all
    the while I was tuning the posts in my ears trying to get them to heal. I not only had the substance on my skin I also introduced it directly and repeatedly to my blood. I became aware of this and shortly thereafter presented with some pretty weird stuff all of which has been described by others suffering from Morgellon’s. My body was excreting the same slimy substance that was on the coins and felt sort of like hair conditioner. This stuff is biofilm. Biofilm Quorum Senses. They have it wrong. It is not the insects that Quorum Sense it is the biofilms that are on the insects etc. that Quorum Sense. That communication form is what attracts. And for a biofilm to stick around it needs to be able to communicate. As the biofilm can quickly process and adapt information (drugs, chemicals etc.) to negate the effects ( become immune ), it also will after repeated introductions learn how to communicate with a (foreign speaking (quorum sensing) biofilm. And stick. Maybe stick to the ones you have naturally in your body. I believe what we all have is a biofilm based issue and that biofilms are not born of other organisms but are their own entity and present to the organisms when attracted.bringing with them their acquired immunities. I could be wrong. I don’t know why we would be under what appears to be a aggressive siege unless its simply that their numbers are growing and it is exponential. I believe the fibers are the actual part of the biofilms that do the quorum sensing and that is based on the fact that i have been able to sense them sensing.So to speak. I have been fairly successful treating the situation by trapping the biofilms. Because of their very nature they can withstand any chemical however they fall susceptible to simple glues. The biofilms have a specific form consisting of several parts. I have a huge assortment of samples.
    I also have run the gamut trying to reduce the films from myself and home, and making decent process. I also seem to be one with the biolfims as I am resistant to everything I have introduced to them. For instance I could if I wanted to soak in a tub of bleach and show no effects whatsoever. I also seem to have photo synthesized up to my forearms to name a few of the weird things I have experienced. I also believe the cool colors the fibers sometime present have to do with the metals in our bodies. Blue might be copper. Or maybe it;s the green ones. This is the first time I have ever wrote anything about my case nor have I seen anymore doctors since the first couple thought I might be nuts. Anyway Thanks for the opportunity…Glendle

    • Dear Glendle: Can you contact me..I would like some of your information for my case…see my YouTube vidio of my story under my name and click “subscribe” if you would like. My story is too long to post now..I am seeking more information and an attorney. The Morgellon’s I have was purposely put their by the Military..I watched them and took pictures and vidio and have it all over my house..it is killing me and my pets…my house is contaminated…..see YouTube: Kris Durschmidt: Are you being sprayed to death in Epidemic Proportions??….thanks call anytime: 480-786-8883

    • Glendle, Can you contat me? I have not been able to post on here yet, it keeps saying waiting approval..I wonder if the government is stopping this too for me? See you horrible true story on YouTube and click subscribe if you wish to my YouTube Channel of my story…I want to network, win, stay alive and stop these evil doers, it was the 150 BioScientists that invented this Nano War Fare and they were killed off so the technology would not be given to any other countries or groups to be used against the evil doers..It was also invented at ASU Nano Tech research lab…call anytime!!! 480-786-8883 Ms. Kris in Chandler, Az.

  30. I sent some copies of our lawsuit won in Florida to some of the people on the blog. MRC, Pam and Joe may have copies of it. It was won in Ocala they can email me and I will be glad to resend the copies of them.
    Crowe and Parody are no longer taking patients for SSI and Disability cases on these clients.

  31. Dear Julie,
    Pardon me for interrupting but winning a lawsuit against your treatment by Doctors is not going to fly right now. You can not sue Doctors against a disease that is not considered real by the CDC. You can however keep your documentation and File under disability. I have contacted Attorney after Attorney and at this time in the game no one will touch it. You can’t file malpractice claims on an Undeclared Disease Syndrome.
    Unfortunately not many Doctors will stand up against another in a Court of law and get their licenses shred to pieces and that is what will happen. In order to sue there has to be a clear cut, defined case. If I, not having the disease, went in as an Expert I would lose my license and be shred to pieces. I have been an Advocate for a very long time and the one case we won I went in as a legal nurse consultant with the attorney and that was for lost wages aka Disability and for retroactive Medicare. That case alone took me 3 full years of documentation working with the patient for no monies. God Bless.
    Blessings Be, Trisha

  32. Good job me sistah! We know the work is volunteer and driven by pure desire to help those who can’t help themselves.
    The payment in doing things with a pure motive is ‘The Soul food ‘ it provides to ones heart.
    Well done.
    Big hug,
    Much agape! Feels good huh?
    Pamela Mae

  33. lily curtiss said:

    Trisha The Remarkable!!
    Bravo & keep up your amazing ground-breaking & productive work…

    1960 I was 14yrs old, @ Shaker Lake, barefooted when a 5″ fiber painfully twisted it’s way up into my ankle. Now 67, this 4th “bout” includes trematodes. You can imagine the usual many drills I’ve been through, from high school biology teachers to the WHO:* see your primary Dr., who refers to Derm to ID to Psych to primary, etc. MgD does exist…
    Cleveland Clinic put it in a www that it “will NOT treat Morgellons Dis-ease.”

    Can you or your audience refer me?
    I am seeking a researcher/facility who is seeking those of us willing to be subjects.
    ” ” ” ” gene study ideally dealing with MgD, as I have a mutated gene
    causing MBL, thus am an excellent candidate for infections, i.e., MgD
    ” ” ” who can help me have the house condemned &, morally, destroyed.
    ” ” ” ” Dr. willing to write the diagnoses to carry along with Dr. Wymore’s
    letter “Dear Practitioners…” My pain mngt Dr. believes in MgD &
    wrote a tactiful letter, tho did not write the word Morgellons. Doing so
    could kill his practice & put alot of employees out of work, as well as
    his reputation. Have you read “The Cry & the Covenant?”

    Did you order the DVDs from Holman Foundation’s latest conference in April?
    Kaiser refutes the infamous CDC report. Kaiser pulled 3,000,000 cases & discovered 4 in every 100,000 have symptoms. Also PhD/Dr’s spoke on their specialties, i.e.;
    neurology, parasitology, etc. I carry a copy of the DVD order form with the letters.

    * Has anyone info. about World Health Organization’s rumored study that was supposed to be finished April ’13 – especially now that MgD is dubbed:
    Morgellons PLAGUE #5

    Library’s closing
    Good luck

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